Remote Installation

The Port Explorer Installer program supports remote installation by providing Silent Installation command-line switches.

For mass rollout remote installations, Network Administrators will find these flags highly useful. The available switches are:

 /SILENT  install all files with no prompts. Note that this will not reboot the machine.
 /VERYSILENT  install all files with no prompts, and reboot after installation.
 /SP-  the installer will proceed without asking "Do you wish to install DiamondCS Port Explorer?"

For example, you might run Port Explorer setup like this: setup.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-
This will install Port Explorer and reboot the system without any prompts. Note that default options are used, so Port Explorer will automatically be installed into the  Program Files\Port Explorer directory. This directory can be moved/renamed, but associated shortcuts will need to be re-mapped.

As all Port Explorer configuration settings are stored in the registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Diamond Computer Systems\Port Explorer\), it is relatively easy to create a custom .reg file that can be executed on remote computers to pre-configure them. To create a .reg file, simply use the Export feature in the regedit.exe utility that comes with all versions of Windows.

Important: Registered users should then copy the port.pkf keyfile to the Port Explorer installation directory, ensuring that Port Explorer is only installed on the number of computers the keyfile is licensed for. Installing Port Explorer on more computers than the keyfile is licensed for will result in license failure and possible license cancellation. 

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